Nutrition is just as much a part of health and exercise as the activities and cardio you do. A healthy body is built at the dinner table, not at a fast food restaurant. You will never out exercise terrible eating habits. You must adequately fuel yourself to make it through the day. Great nutrition will increase your overall health and endurance, it helps your body function properly.

Great Guidelines for Optimum Nutrition

  • Eat five to six meals, three to four hours apart, every day, containing: 

Low fat protein sources | High complex carbohydrate low sugar sources 

Low fat dairy sources | Fruit and/or vegetable (every meal)

  • Always eat Breakfast | Skipping this is NOT an option.
  • Limit fried foods | They are extremely unhealthy!
  • Avoid high sugar drinks | Energy Drinks will deplete you faster than anything
  • Eat for energy and performance before taste.
  • The more vegetables the better.
  • Pre-prepared foods are very unhealthy | Fast Food, Frozen Meals, Pre-packaged Sandwiches

There are several options for putting a good meal plan together; always consider your nutrition needs when making the decision on what to put in your plan, and always choose nutrition over taste. The key is choosing which food is going to help you get through the day.

Nutrition is NUMBER ONE! If you do not have the fuel to burn, it is going to be hard to get good results. Being consistent with your nutrition will ultimately result with your progression with your exercise. Remember, consistency completes everything.