WHERE TO START WITH YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH | EXERCISE You don’t have to exercise 90 minutes a day, 7 days a week to see results, you only need to increase your current activity. Short sessions, a few days a week are more practical and will get you what you are looking for. Incorporating two or… Read More

WHERE TO START WITH YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH | NUTRITION Nutrition is just as much a part of health and exercise as the activities and cardio you do. A healthy body is built at the dinner table, not at a fast food restaurant. You will never out exercise terrible eating habits. You must adequately fuel yourself… Read More

WHERE TO START WITH YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH | RECOVERY Rest is twice as important as your work day. Regardless of how you exercise or what you eat, if you are not getting enough sleep and replenishing yourself, your body will never recover and you will constantly feel that 2:30 feeling that no cup of coffee… Read More